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View our range of Mercedes-Benz Vito below and schedule an appointment with one of our advisors. At Derks Commercial Vehicles you will find all makes and models.
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The Mercedes-Benz Vito is the perfect choice for companies needing a reliable and versatile commercial vehicle. With different configurations and load capacities, the Vito is ideal for both light deliveries and heavier jobs, from city logistics to transporting larger loads.
The Vito offers not only excellent performance, but also a high level of comfort. With advanced driving assistance systems, such as active emergency braking systems and an intuitive infotainment system, the Vito makes every drive more enjoyable and safer.
The Vito is available with efficient diesel and petrol engines, which ensure powerful performance without compromising on fuel consumption. This makes the Vito not only powerful but also cost-efficient, making it perfect for companies that are on the road a lot.
The Vito offers impressive cargo space that can be easily configured for your specific needs. Whether transporting tools, building materials or other loads, the Vito offers enough space and flexibility to keep your working day running smoothly.