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Financing and Leasing
Financial Lease
Operational Lease
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When you choose Financial Lease, you are the economic owner of the commercial vehicle and you enjoy tax benefits. With this lease form you are responsible for, among other things: financing, insurance, taxes and maintenance. When a Financial Lease contract expires, the commercial vehicle is yours, usually against payment of a final term.
A Financial Lease contract can be entered into for all brands and types of commercial vehicles. Both new and used. You determine the term (12, 24, 36, 48 or 60 months) and mileage. You can opt for a deposit and final term. This reduces the monthly term. The monthly amount is the repayment and interest for the part financed by the commercial vehicle.
With Financial Lease you take out a loan with a financing company to finance your commercial vehicle. You repay this loan monthly by means of repayment and interest. You can see this form of leasing as an installment purchase. Although you do not immediately pay for the commercial vehicle in full at Financial Lease, you are the direct economic owner and the van must be placed on your company balance sheet.
With this lease form, you have to arrange and pay for things such as maintenance, tax and insurance yourself. As a result, you have control over the maintenance costs yourself and you decide where and when the maintenance takes place. The risk of depreciation is entirely yours, keep that in mind when determining the repayments.
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Investing while maintaining liquidity
You are the direct economic owner
Responsible for insurance, tax, maintenance